Jujubinus striatus  (Linnaeus, 1758)
Main synonym = Trochus striatus    Linnaeus, 1758
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Mollusca / Gastropoda / Vetigastropoda / Trochidae
Grooved Jujubinus     Maltese name not known
Worldwide distribution: Widespread throughout the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic.
Frequency in Malta: Scarce
Status: Native
Habitat: Marine
Further Information:
Size up to 12mm in size but usually found at much smaller sizes. There are around 12 different species of Jujubinus in the Mediterranean. This species differs in having a conical shape and with a well developed spiral basal cord. Between these spiral basal cords are 6-10 faint spiral cords. Differs from Jujubinus exasperatus which is also very commonly seen because the basal cords are more faint and the latter has less spiral cords (usually around 4).
Special contributor, data input & photos for the Mollusca section courtesy of Owen Mifsud

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